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HOD’s Welcome Message

You are welcome to the website of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Presented below are the objectives and degree programme of the Department.
The Department of Philosophy at Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria offers the B.A. Philosophy (single honours) programme. The duration of the programme is four (4) years for those admitted through the University Matriculation Examination (UME) and three (3) years for Direct Entry students.
The degree in Philosophy is designed to enable students to do work in theoretical and applied philosophy as well as acquire analytical and critical skills needed in human endeavours. Although the programme touches on theoretical aspects of philosophy, its major emphasis actually is applied philosophy so that students that successfully undergo it may be able to contribute to the sustainable development of contemporary Nigeria, Africa, and the world at large.
The objectives of the programme are:
(1) to provide a solid foundation in philosophy for those who want to do professional/academic philosophy;
(2) to de-emphasize abstractions and system-building in the programme and seek instead to bridge the gap between professional/academic philosophy and History & International Studies and social practice in Nigeria and Africa as a whole;
(3) To provide courses which will be of interest to other departments and disciplines as a way not only of encouraging inter-disciplinary approaches to the study of philosophy but of also demonstrating the wide-ranging nature of the subject; and
(4) to equip students with analytical skills that will prepare them well for their various future occupational, social and personal needs.
To actualise the above objectives, the Department focuses on three basic areas in Philosophy, namely: (i) the traditional core areas of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, ethics and Logic, (ii) contemporary African Philosophy, and (iii) Applied Philosophy.
Thank you for visiting us and we strongly believe you will find the effort rewarding.
Dr. Cyril-Mary Pius OLATUNJI
Ag. Head of Department.

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