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Mathematical Sciences

It is a privilege to welcome you to the department of Mathematical Sciences. WHY LEARN MATHEMATICS
Mathematics is a symbolic language and a series of operations for use in describing relationships, solving problems or predicting outcomes. As such, it is a means by which man records his possessions and profits, and grapples with consumer, business, and scientific problems. Man leaves his imprint on chalkboards and computers and, through these extensions of his mind, explores alternative courses of action. The time saved by mathematically testing alternatives can be used to shorten the interval between hypothesis and discovery. Through the use of electronic computers, man simulates and tests economic and military conditions, charting his way to exceeding complex decisions. Because of the inclusion of application of mathematics to processes involving investment and profitability, there is emphasis on industrial mathematics and methodologies relying on 21st century technology without abandoning Judge Cantor’s type of mathematics, and respecting the views of people like Isaac Barrow, Isaac Newton, William Leibnixz, James Gregory, Lobachesky and Felix Klein and a host of others.
Do have a great time as you visit our Department.
Prof. N. O. AJAYI
Head Of Department

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