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Welcome to the website of the Department of Economics at Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Nigeria. I trust our web pages will give you useful information about our Department.
The Department is one of the largest Departments of its type in Nigerian Universities. It is renowned for excellence in teaching and research in all areas of the discipline as well as for being at the cutting edge of contemporary economic thinking and analysis. But don’t just take our word for it. Crosscheck by interviewing our students and ex-students now in different walks of life.
One characteristic that distinguishes our Department is its commitment to students. This commitment takes two forms. First, we demand excellence in teaching from all of our lecturers. Having fully satisfied itself of this, the NUC recently granted our programme full accreditation, thereby making us one of the Department that currently enjoy that status in the country.
Second, our Department allows undergraduate and postgraduate students to participate in research conducted by staff, a thing unheard of in most other universities. The Department has a long and distinguished record of working with students on research projects-real research and not jut term papers. It is fairly common to have our students apply for and receive funding for their research projects. Furthermore, many of our students have presented their research findings at conferences and such research activities often play a critical role in their acceptance into leading graduate programmes or in getting them prestigious jobs in industry.
At present, three members of the staff are outside the country to acquire higher academic qualification. Within the last two years, more than fifty percent of the staff members had travelled outside the country for conferences and workshops, the staff members on Ph.D programmes are at advanced stages of completion in their various schools. At the Faculty level, the Department had being on the lead of academic staff seminar presentations.
Student Societies
Students in this Department can, and are encouraged to, become members of the Nigerian Economics Students Association (NESA). This society is recognized and its objectives and activities are well known. The membership of the association is open to all undergraduates majoring in Economics. Its objectives are to provide a forum for the dissemination of economic thought, and to encourage its members to engage in academic and objective analysis of the nation’s economic problems. In pursuance of these objectives, the association periodically organizes lectures, symposia, seminars, etc. Moreover, the students have participated in inter-university and inter Departmental debates within the university and the performance has been amazing.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Students of Economics are also expected to participate in the activities of the university wide student body-the AAUA Students’ Union.
Furthermore, the Department Organizes an excursion once a year to different industrial locations where final-year students can learn at first-hand about various production processes and problems.
I wish to let the fresh undergraduate students know that their primary reason for being here is to achieve academic success. In the next 3 or 4 years, the results of all daily effort put in will manifest. Be wise, the journey to first class starts from 100 level.
With a staff strength of 13 and over 600 students, I count on the continued support of the staff and students of the Department as we journey through the new session.
I hope our web pages contain all the information you really want. However, if there is any additional information you desire, or if you have any questions or comments about our website, or about our undergraduate or graduate programmes, please feel free to contact me at the address below.
Thank you.
Head of Department

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