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History & International Studies Admission Requirements

In addition to the general requirements for admission into the University, the Faculty of Arts, students seeking admission into the Department of History and International Studies through UTME must have obtained Credit in History or Government at the G.C.E. (O/Level), NECO or SSCE as well as in two other subjects from either Arts or the Social Sciences. Direct Entry candidates must, in addition to the above, have passed two papers (one of which must be in History or Government) at the G.C.E./(A. Level), or passes at least a Merit pass in ND/NCE/Diploma in International and Strategic Studies of this University or some equivalent qualification recognised by the University in related disciplines.
Requirements for the Award of Degrees
For a student to qualify for the award of B.A. in any of the programmes offered by the Department, he/she must satisfactorily complete the following:
  • Compulsory courses (i.e. core. Departmental courses that students are expected to pass before graduation);
  • Required courses (i.e. courses required by the University/Faculty for students to pass before graduation);
  • Elective courses (i.e. courses within or outside the Faculty, which students can take and pass to obtain the minimum number of units required for graduation).
Examination and Grading System
  • Every course carries 3 units (i.e. 2 hours of lecture and 1 hour of tutorial per week).
  • Every course is normally examined at the end of the semester in which it is offered (except His 499: Research Project, which is examined at the end of the second semester).
  • Students’ progress is assessed through continuous assessment (i.e. by way of tests, written assignments and other appropriate methods) constituting 30% during the semester.
  • Examination at the end of the semester carries 70%. Thus the totality of every grade in each course is based on 100 marks. Read more…

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