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Physics and Electronics Admission

Admission Requirement
(i) B.Sc. (Hons) Physics and Electronics
This undergraduate programme is designed to produce graduates that will be readily absorbed into the various areas of the rapidly developing fields of Physics and Electronics. Students are exposed to both basic and applied courses as well as to laboratories and industrial training to enable them to satisfy the manpower needs of the public and industrial sectors of any economy.
The objectives of the programme are:
to give students a basic knowledge of experimental and theoretical Physics as well as of basic Electronics;
to allow a student who so desires to pursue in-depth a course in Pure and/or Applied Physics (Option A) of the type found within any other regular Physics department elsewhere, so that he can, if he chooses to, have a minor specialization in any of the following areas:
(i) Condensed Matter Physics
(ii) Environmental Physics
(iii) Electronic Materials and Devices Technology (Microelectronics)
(iv) Electronic Instrumentation Techniques
(v) Radiation and Health Physics
(vi) Geophysics
(vii) Theoretical Physics; and
to allow other students who so desire to pursue our Electronics Option (Option B) (especially after the common first two years) with exposure to courses in Digital electronics, Power Electronics, Vacuum Physics and Thin Film Technology, Information an Communication Technology , Material Science, Software Engineering etc. Students in this category would have the academic foundation needed for them to pursue career objectives in manufacturing or processing industries or to help in high tech laboratories. Given the amount of Physics they are already exposed to, they could even go further to specialize in the following areas, among others:
(i) Electronics Material and Devices Technology (Micro electronics)
(ii) Electronic Instrumentation Techniques
(iii) Information in Communication Technology

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