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Business Administration

ihinHOD’s Welcome Message
Welcome to the Department of Business Administration. We are committed to facilitating the education and training of managers at various levels – undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional.Our goal is to develop the mind and impart theoretical and practical knowledge of the type that will encourage self-reliance in the individual. The courses we have on offer will also enable him to understand, exploit and, improve his environment.The specific objectives of our programme are to:
(i) provide the basic knowledge needed for understanding and analyzing problems related to the management or administration of industrial, commercial, public and other human organizations;
(ii) equip students of Business Administration with the skills needed for recognizing and defining problems and taking appropriate decisions, using scientific techniques and tools;
(iii) inculcate in the student, an awareness of and sensitivity to environmental factors and conditions, and their impact on managerial/administrative practice and decisions,
(iv) develop the leadership and interpersonal skills needed for working in organizations;
(v) develop a knowledge and understanding of the concepts, problems and practice of management;
(vi) equip students with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities typically exercised within management, marketing, operation, and personnel functions; and
(vii) develop clear principles and values to guide ethical conduct both at the corporate level and at the level of the individual manager.
Do have a wonderful time as you surf other areas of the department.

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