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Forestry and Wildlife Management



Renewable natural resources management is the key to the energy needs of the world. The department train students in the sustainable management of flora and fauna resources of the forest with a view to making them available in perpetuity. Students are exposed to the principles of management as well as rich field experiences. On graduation, students would have been well-equipped to manage natural and man-made plantations; games in reserved areas; as well as initiate conservation efforts through entrepreneurial activities.
The department is therefore a home for students who want to play a prominent role in combating the effects of global warming; and change the direction of destructive exploitation of natural resources. You are mostly welcome to contribute to sustaining human existence on the terrestrial ball!
Philosophy and Objectives
The overriding drive is the production of graduates that are adequately equipped with the comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in productive and sustainable forestry, and forest products and wildlife resources. It has the specific objectives of producing – i) Graduates geared towards self-employment.
  1. ii) Graduates with sufficient technical and entrepreneurial skills in any aspect of forestry, and wildlife management.
iii) Graduates that is relevant to industry and society and who can contribute effectively to national and international goals in forestry and wildlife resources.

Prof. Gbadamosi A.E
Head of Department

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