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Chemical Sciences


The Department of Chemical Sciences of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, strives towards true excellence in teaching and learning, research and development, and community service. It seeks to develop needed human resources and facilitate the exploitation of natural resources and environmental conservation through the application of safe and sustainable chemical principles and technologies. To make the attainment of these strategic goals feasible, strong professional links have been established with industry, academic institutions, practicing chemists and recognized bodies within and outside Nigeria. It is envisaged that our graduates will be able to function. competently in the areas of science and technology, drug manufacturing, oil and gas exploration, materials processing and development, food processing, and environmental monitoring and remediation.


competently in the areas of science and technology, drug manufacturing, oil and gas exploration, materials processing and development, food processing, and environmental monitoring and remediation.
1. To provide students with a broad-based knowledge of modern theoretical and practical chemistry at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.
2. To expose academic staff to the main trends in the field of Chemistry and allied courses.
3. To keep technical staff up-to-date on the skills needed to maintain scientific equipment and run laboratory experiments efficiently.
4. To conduct and disseminate the results of relevant research in all areas of Chemistry.
5. To provide consultancy service to local industries and any other organizations.
6. To generate data on indigenous natural resources.
7. To establish links with other tertiary institutions for collaboration and exchange of information.
Head of Department.

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