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Arts Education Admission Requirement

Applicants who intend to study for B.A.Ed or B.Ed in the Department must satisfy the general University and Faculty admission requirements including a pass in mathematics at either the GCE ‘OL’ or the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SCE), NECO, NABTEB. or TC II at not more than 2 sittings. Candidates for B.Ed Adult Education are to obtain five credits at ordinary level including credit pass in English Language plus any other four credits from Arts, Social Science and Science subjects.
They should also have obtained credits in the subjects in which they expect to specialize. Direct Entry applicants must have passed in the GCE’ AL’ or NCE at acceptable grades. Candidates taking Religious Studies, Yoruba, English Language, History or Adult Education must have credit level pass in English Language. Also candidates taking a degree in English Studies must possess a credit in English Literature. Requirements for the Award of Degree. For s student to qualify for the award of B.A (Ed) or B.Ed in any of the courses offered by the Department, she/he must register for a prescribed number of compulsory and required courses, compulsory and required courses must be taken and passed, while elective courses taken within and outside the Faculty may only need to be passed in order to make up the minimum number of units required for graduation. UME and Direct entry candidates must pass a minimum of 124 and 94 units, respectively, distributed over the various subject areas.
Registration for Courses
(a). Candidates must register for the appropriate compulsory, required and elective courses as indicates for them in their handbook.
(b). The workload is minimum of 15 and a maximum of 28 units per semester. Permission to exceed from senate through the HOD.
Examination and Grading System.
(a). Every course shall be graded out of minimum of 100 marks out of which 30% shall be allocated to Continuous Assessment and 70% for examination.
(b). Assessment other than written examinations shall be graded out of maximum of 100 marks.
(c). The minimum pass mark in all cases is 40% per unit
(d). The followings are the letter grades and points to be attached to marks. Marks Grade symbols Grade Point
70 and above A 5
60-69 B 4
50-59 C 3
45-49 D 2
40-44 E 1
0-39 F 0
The total credit point (TCP) attained by a students in a given course is obtained by multiplying the grade point by the units attached to the course. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of a student over a set of courses is the sum credit points from sets of courses over more than one Semester divided by the total number of units over number Semesters.   Graduation Requirements For candidate to be eligible for the award pf B.A Ed in English both UME and Direct Entry Candidates must meet the university requirement, including passing the General Study courses together with the required and elective courses. All candidates must pass Teaching Practice.
The class of the degree to be awarded will depend on the final CGPA attained at the end of the Programme;
4.50 -5.00 1st Class
3.50 -4.49 2nd Class (Upper)
2.40 -3.49 2nd Class (Lower)
1.50 -2.39 3rd Class
1.00 -1.49 Pass

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